Graphis scripta I
Graphis scripta I

Watercolor, 18" x 24"

Graphis Scripta III
Graphis Scripta III

Watercolor, 18 x 24"

Graphis scripta IV
Graphis scripta IV

Watercolor, 18" x 24"

 Apparition and friend foraging
Apparition and friend foraging

Watercolor, 14" x 20"

Aura/Conception of an angel
Aura/Conception of an angel

Watercolor and gouache, 18” x 23"

Graphis scripta I
Graphis Scripta III
Graphis scripta IV
 Apparition and friend foraging
Aura/Conception of an angel
Graphis scripta I

Watercolor, 18" x 24"

Graphis Scripta III

Watercolor, 18 x 24"

Graphis scripta IV

Watercolor, 18" x 24"

Apparition and friend foraging

Watercolor, 14" x 20"

Aura/Conception of an angel

Watercolor and gouache, 18” x 23"

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