Earlier Work


I made films 1970's — 1990’s. Several of these films have recently been restored, digitized and archived at Anthology Film Archives in NYC. These films were constructed frame-by-frame from drawings and/or the digestions of optically re-printed found footage. Art films were called "experimental films” then and were made with appropriate disrespect.

I taught filmmaking in tandem with Robert Breer at Cooper Union in NYC where I learned a lot from my students.


1979 The Lives of Firecrackers. 16mm. Restored and digitized. 5 firecrackers sit on a table and discuss the meaning of their lives until the inevitable occurs. Bela Balazs Prize Zagreb Film Festival.

1983 Luck in Loose Plaster: Filmed drawings & live action images, 16 mm. The title/text is from Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons (with permission), narrated by Cindy Lubar.

1983 GAWRSH I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WAS A LADY! Restored and digitized. Optically printed takedown of a classic cartoon, 16mm." This really looks like a Sandy Moore film."– Greg Ford.

1985 “What is the Use [of a violent kind of delightfulness if there is no pleasure in not getting tired of it? " The title is from Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons (with permission). What is the Use was a live film/ performance presented at the Whitney Museum during the 1985 Biennial. The performance utilized a handmade contraption comprised of two 16 mm projectors --one hand-cranked on a tripod head and the other bicycle-powered. Two vertically abutted films coursed through the projectors at aleatory speeds determined by the artist. Composer Neil Rolnick provided accompanying sound.

1989 Reverse Transcriptase. Restored and digitized. Optically reprinted images and filmed drawings. 16 mm. The genetic code of the HIV/AIDS (then HTLVI) virus as it was understood in 1989 is cinematically reconstructed rapid-fire from 4 classic animation images: a hook, a mop, a flagpole and a pulley.